Of Jeffrey Epstein And The Assets He Placed Into Trust Two Days Before His Death

Article 2020 Test_Intent_Badges Art190821JeffreyEpsteinAssetsHePlacedTrustTwoDaysBeforeHisDeath

According to news reports, two days before his death, accused sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein transferred his assets ⸺ somewhere north of $500 million ⸺ into a trust for the benefit of his brother Mark. This has triggered e-mails and calls to Your Truly wondering whether this transfer places those assets out of the reach of Epstein's creditors.

The answer is a very lawyerish yes-and-no, but if all you want to know is the bottom line, then just be content that the final answer is "no" and move on to a more interesting news.

It is important to understand what a trust is and isn't. First, what it isn't: A trust has no physical existence: You can't have it over to your house on Saturday afternoon for beer and bar-b-que. Nor does a trust have a separate legal existence either, since it is not considered a "person" under the law that can itself sue or be sued; contrast this with the legal fictions known as corporations and LLC, which are considered "persons" under the law that can sue and be sued in their own names.

So what is a trust? A trust is simply a contractual arrangement between two parties to hold something to benefit somebody or something, the first party being the person who creates the trust (known as the settlor), and the second party being the person who holds what the first person entrusts them with (known as the trustee). The person or cause (in the case of a charitable trust) being created is known as the "beneficiary".

To create a trust, the settlor and trustee enter into a trust agreement, and the settlor then transfers (settles) legal title of the assets to the trustee. The trustee retains the legal title to the assets, but the equitable title to the assets are now said to be vested in the beneficiary. Recall that the trust itself is not a person and cannot sue or be sued, but the trustee must be such a person and can sue or be sued in his, her, or its capacity as trustee.

If this starts to sound like some sort of hinky scheme, it is. Anglo-American trust law has its genesis in wealthy folks in medieval England setting up such arrangements (the earliest versions were called uses) to scam the Crown out of taxes. Eventually, King Henry VIII in 1535 got sick and tired of his taxes being dodged, so the Statute of Uses was enacted to crack down on such arrangements, and from then until now a sordid battle guiding the development of trust law has been waged by creditors and tax collectors against folks who don't like to pay their creditors or tax collectors.

This is not to say that all trusts are of questionable legitimacy, since there are all sorts of valid reasons for using trusts that have nothing to do with taxes or creditors, such as providing for a special needs child or funding a hospital or college. It is to say that dodging tax collectors and creditors has played an oversized role in how Anglo-American trust law has developed over the centuries.

Anyway, the point is that when a trust is funded with assets, the legal title of those assets goes from the settlor to the trustee. A consequence of this is that the settlor no longer has legal title to the assets, and thus those assets are not immediately available to creditors of the settlor to enforce judgment against. This is exactly why trusts are frequently used by folks to attempt to place their assets outside the reach of creditors through what is known as asset protection planning.

This is where we get the "yes". By transferring his assets to a trust, Jeffrey Epstein has removed himself from legal title and so creditors cannot today execute any judgments they obtain against his assets.

But that is not the end of the story, but rather the start of a new subplot which (at least for Anglo-American law) begins in 1571, when Henry VIII's daughter, Elizabeth, signed into law "An Act Against Fraudulent Deeds, Gifts, Alienation, etc.". This Act is commonly mis-referred to as the "Statute of 13 Elizabeth", because it was enacted in the 13th year of her reign, but actually she enacted several other bills during 1571 which would share that same title, and of which this particular one was enrolled as Chapter 5. None of which is particularly important, although it amuses me when somebody who wants to sound impressive on the subject goes on to misstate the title, which is probably better thought of as the Fraudulent Conveyances Act of 1571.

And so the Fraudulent Conveyances Act of 1571 begat in 1918 the Uniform Fraudulent Conveyances Act (UFCA) in the United States, which begat in 1984 the Uniform Fraudulent Transfers Act (UFTA), and which in 2014 was renamed to the confusion of everybody the Uniform Voidable Transactions Act (UVTA).

Now, if somebody like Jeffrey Epstein makes a transfer into a trust to try to keep their assets away from the creditors, then the UVTA or one of its older versions operates to set aside (void) the transfer of legal title, such that creditors can then go after those assets as if they had never been transferred in the first place.

But of course, setting aside (voiding) a transfer takes the filing of a voidable transactions case and some time to litigate it. This takes time, energy, and money, though it may not cause as much of a delay in the creditor's chasing of the debtor's assets as one might think.

Here is a little point that most folks, and even most lawyers, don't know: A creditor does not have to have a judgment to pursue a voidable transactions case, but can pursue their voidable transactions claim at the same time as their primary claim against the debtor. Indeed, it is usually possible for a creditor to try both the primary claim and the voidable transaction claim in the very same case, with the court resolving both claims at one.

Now for another subplot. When a person dies, an estate is created of all their assets and liabilities. Basically, creditors of the estate get paid first, and then whatever is left goes to whoever was to get whatever. So, when Jeffrey Epstein died, an estate was created for his assets and his liabilities.

Now to tie everything together. Epstein's creditors have a claim against his estate. Those creditors can bring an action to void Epstein's transfers to his trust, which would have the result of the legal title to those assets returning to Epstein's estate, where creditors can get at them before they are distributed to Epstein's heirs.

So what does it take for Epstein's creditors to successfully pursue a voidable transactions case against Epstein's estate? Not much. In this particular case, the creditors will need to prove that Epstein placed his assets into trust with the intent (it doesn't have to be the primary intent) of keeping those assets away from his creditors. Since the courts figure out as early as 1601 in Twyne's Case that debtors will pretty much always lie about their intent, the courts have allowed the proof of intent to be proven by the surrounding facts and circumstances (known as the Badges of Fraud), of which perhaps the most telling is the timing of the transfer.

Here, Epstein made the transfer when faced with numerous creditor claims that could be expected to wipe out a good chunk of his wealth, and so there is powerful circumstantial evidence that he made the transfers with the intent to cheat his creditors. It isn't a slam-dunk case, but it is a pretty easy dipsy-doo layup.

That's where we finally reach the "No" in whether Epstein's transfers of his assets to his trust will ultimately defeat his creditors. There will be some more work by the lawyers involved, but probably no difference in the final outcome.

And if you were wondering what the connection is between Jeffrey Epstein and Henry VIII, well, there you go. And it has nothing to do with Epstein Island, other than to its legal title.

AI Synopsis

♦ This article discusses whether Jeffrey Epstein's transfer of assets to a trust for his brother, Mark, protected those assets from his creditors. Here's a summary: (A) Trusts: Trusts are contractual arrangements where a settlor transfers assets to a trustee for the benefit of a beneficiary. While the trustee holds legal title, the beneficiary holds equitable title. Trusts were initially used to avoid taxes, and their use in asset protection planning has been debated for centuries. (B) Epstein's Transfer: Epstein transferring assets to a trust for his brother might initially appear to protect the assets from creditors. This is because he no longer has legal title, preventing direct seizure. (C) Fraudulent Conveyances: However, laws like the Uniform Voidable Transactions Act (UVTA) can be used to challenge transfers made with the intent to defraud creditors. This is often the case when transfers occur shortly before facing financial difficulties. (D) Epstein's Estate: Because Epstein is deceased, his creditors can pursue claims against his estate. This means they can challenge the trust transfer, potentially recovering the assets for distribution to creditors. (E) Evidence of Fraudulent Intent: The timing of Epstein's transfer (while facing numerous creditor claims) provides strong circumstantial evidence that he intended to defraud creditors. This makes it likely the court will deem the transfer voidable. (F) In conclusion: While the transfer initially appeared to shield the assets, it's highly probable that Epstein's creditors will be able to challenge the transfer and access those assets through his estate. ♦